Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My debut

I have been thinking since an year and a half about having my own blog and writing my thoughts in it regularly. It took me 20 months to overcome the intertia and be here. Call it lack of time or my lazyness, I couldnt do it till now.

Early 2005, I was not sure what Blog is and why someone should write a blog. It took me a couple of months to visit couple of blogs started by my friends. And another few months to actually understand the blogs. I then started enjoying these blogs. I feel Blogs provide a medium to share one's thoughts and before that bring clarity to one's thoughts.

I hope to blog regularly, at least twice a week initially. Lets see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pavan,
Am looking forward to reading your musings.

Anonymous said...


Congrats for the start!
I am expecting a lot from you about enterpreneurship and HR issues.

Pavan Pochu said...

Thanks Satheesh & Rithesh!

Anshuman said...

Welcome to the world where only you matter. :) 2 on the first day that's a novelty.

Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Great start then! Good luck ra Poch!